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All news on the AIME project is listed here from newest to oldest.

22 April 2000

Finally found a nasty leak that was hiding from me. Gotta remember to close those file descriptors. ;) No more noticable leaks which means it is ready for distribution on a BETA basis. Appears to have full functionality, need to get some folks using it so I can identify if it needs more to be fully functional.

09 January 2000

Quite a bit done since my last news entry. Have made many smaller changes as well as adding support for Quests, Levels, Boats, and a full function Mailer. Have converted several of the aber areas to AIME format and added support for hidden doors (lighting the thorns to let you by type doors). With the exception of the Bulletin board code, the code is essentially done. Now all that is left is to convert the zones over (plus add the Bulletin board which I have been putting off) and make all the little changes, which I expect there to be quite a few as people request certain things.

16 November 1999

Got about 5 core aber areas converted along with most specials coded in. Made the rope code and it seems to function. Still need to add a few things such as support for resetting of individual zones with ropes tied in them. Also added a few commands such as diagnose and consider and a few others to help make it mesh with aber code a little better.

30 October 1999

Decided to abandon the building efforts on the newmud, at least for the time being. I am a coder, and love to code, and while building is fun at times, I just can't seem to put the amount of effort into it that it requires. I have decided to make the code open source and work on some porting tools to port areas from other mud formats. I may work on porting an abermud over to this format.

29 October 1999

Finished code to support range weapons, such as bows, crossbows, and slingshots. If you are wielding a weapon like this, you have a chance each turn to step out of range of your attacker where he can't hit you. This means, if two are fighting, one with a bow and one with a sword, the monster will find it hard to attack the bow since they will stay out of range and the monster will be forced to attack the warrior.

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