Suggested Size and Weight

One unit of size equals about 3-4 centimeters. So a long key would be about 2 units in size. One unit of weight is around the same weight as one unit of water. So if you think about it, a jar of water (ignoring the jar weight) of size 15 would weight 15 units. A shirt is going to have a large size but a small weight, while platemail armor is going to have a large size and a large weight. These examples are estimates of what size and weight objects could have. It is up to the judgement of the builder to estimate a realistic size for the objects they are using.
Item Size Weight
arrow 10 4
throwing dagger 6 6
longsword 55 35
halberd 65 50
leather armor 43 15
cotton shirt 35 8
chainmail armor 50 32
platemail armor 52 52
wooden torch 20 12
gold coin 1 1
anvil 35 80